pronounced "Maw-hair", which is Mother in Gaelic

About Us

Mathair Earth is pronounced "maw-hair" which is mother in Gaelic.

Based in the heart of Idaho, we started making small batch  beauty & skin care products circa 2009.

Mathair Earth's main focus is to create all natural skin & body care products that are free from harmful ingredients for both humans and the planet. We wanted to create the best personal care products- the kind of products look good, smell better, and feel amazing without compromising on the integrity of the ingredients.

With that being said, we constantly strive to keep everything natural and wholesome.

Our soaps are formulated with fine essential oils, clays, plant hydrosols, milks, and natural ingredients.

All of our products, including soaps, are free of heavy detergents, funky fake chemicals, pthalates, parabens, and mineral oil. Nothing we make is ever tested on animals and if we personally wouldn't use it, we will not sell it.

It took some serious trial and error but we think we have hit the mark as far as natural skin care & beauty products go. We care about the impact of what we make and we hope that you can appreciate all the effort that has gone into being mindful of what we put into our products and naturally inspired as we create. 

Thank you for taking the time to get to know the makers behind Mathair Earth a little bit better.

All of our Best,

Cece, Maritta, and Mariah